Category: Andrew Coyne

“All of which raises an interesting question. If we are agreed to constitutionally protect the property rights of some Canadians, why do we shrink from doing the same for others? Recall that the same Constitution that entrenched aboriginal rights, from which we now see derived aboriginal title, declined to protect the right to own property […]

“But that alternative must surely now be inescapable. The question before us is not whether to ‘save home delivery’ or ‘save Canada Post.’ That is a false choice, which only the logic of monopoly forces upon us. Step outside its confines, and the question is ‘who can offer the best service to postal users at […]

“This is our politics, then, at least for the next two years: three parties offering more of the same, saying little, differing less, wholly in thrall to their leaders, and applauded on all sides for their pragmatism and discipline. Bliss is it in this dusk to be alive.” Andrew Coyne on the modern party leader: Pragmatic, […]