Category: Justice

“The complication is that millions of Canadians do see homosexual behaviour in exactly those fire-and-brimstone terms, even if the rest of us (myself included) do not. They include not only many religious Christians such as Mr. Whatcott, but also many religious Muslims and Jews. And there is no sugar-coating the fact that — despite its […]

“Ah, but it helps, doesn’t it? Most of us ignore the plight of street prostitutes for the same reason we ignore the plight of squalid native communities: out of sight, out of mind. It is only when some monstrous tragedy jumps out of these underworlds — tweeners gone glue-sniffing, or the frozen toddlers in Yellow […]

“A local lawyer is suing the Toronto Police Services Board for what he says was an unlawful arrest and a violation of his Charter rights during the city’s G20 summit – an incident the police say was simply an attempt to maintain public safety. Nicholas dePencier Wright is seeking $25,000 in damages, plus other fees, […]