Month: October 2011

Without the War of 1812, Canada as we know it today would not exist,” said James Maunder, a spokesman for Mr. Moore. “The War of 1812 paved the way for Confederation. It was instrumental in the creation of our military. It was truly the fight for Canada.” –          Ottawa aims to drum up Canadians’ interest […]

“‘Garda is pursuing all legal means available against the individuals responsible for the illegal work slowdown, including termination of employment, contempt of court proceedings and claims for damages. These actions were taken following repeated notification to all employees at the airport,’ Garda spokesman Joe Gavaghan said in a statement.” –          Garda cracks down on Pearson […]

So Ezra Levant has been on a mission for quite some time. He has been arguing that the CBC should be privatized because the act of privatization would allow the CBC to “flourish”. For in his words, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is “sluggish” and “statist” The CBC is infected with government control, which is both […]

 “If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” James Madison (1751 – 1836), The 4th President of the United States   Most of the present problems of the RCMP deal with insufficient civilian control. Originally that control came from Parliament. However, in the last forty years, Parliament, firstly, was unwilling to perform this function. […]